Friday, 30 August 2013

My Letter to Ellen DeGeneres for Tsitsi’s sake, my “T” and SYMPATHY
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I have chosen to post a letter of mine in hopes of helping a friend. My dream is that it will reach Ellen DeGeneres in time to save my friend, or give her a moment in her life never to be forgotten by all.
First email to The Ellen Show:   January 25, 2012; Revised and Updated, June 22, 2013
Dear ELLEN or GOD, God or Ellen (either order),
I wish to help a friend named Tsitsi Mutseta, a Zimbabwean immigrant, living in San Diego, California, who is gravely in need of help from all our hearts. Her unique namesake was derived from the fly notorious in her native Africa, likened to her troublesome nature having been ill as a child. I like to think her name represents a peskiness to not be defeated, lively and strong, with a goal-oriented self, so full of life. She is no trouble at all. We all like to call her ‘T’; I like to think of it as“T” for standing Tall. Recently, an article telling her story and plight (in brevity) was published in the San Diego Union-Tribune entitled “T’s battle against cancer”, front page, June 7, 2013.
Her story is one of struggle from birth, overcoming things more treacherous than even her sickly beginning; abuse, separation from her mother due to civil war in Zimbabwe, trekking daily for years, miles across a dangerous desert in just slippers for shoes, all to survive, reach her family members having been separated from them by war boundaries, and to go to school with a dream to teach.  Those soles have the imprint of her soul, one she could imprint on us all.
On a more personal note, she was a saving grace to my Swiss Aunt who was partially paralyzed, having suffered a stroke. “T” came into our lives as the live-in caregiver for my Aunt. “T” was struggling herself at the time to attain a teaching degree; bettering two lives at once.  She was inspiring and adored by our family. From the minute I met her, and heard her story, I knew I would help her tell it one day. I suggested she tell it. On the one reunion we had a few years ago, she handed me her life in thirty or so pages before the ink in the printer cartridge ran out.
Now, it is with sadness I must say Tsitsi’s story is dire, further war torn.  She suffers the later savageness of stage four-cancer, having endured this ransacking battle since 2006.  Her dreams and ability to realize them have altered and diminished to a cruel life game of hand-to-mouth, living day by day with chemotherapy on an income derived from neighborly generosity and knitting hats and selling them when she can. Miraculously, she generously gives them away to others she deems in greater need. On a lighter scale, fan of the television reality show “Survivor” that she was, she knitted enough hats for every team member, in opposing competition colors. I hope they were finally delivered and received. That was one of her wishes.  Despite her reality, she faces all with an undefeated smile and indefatigable spirit. I know you would love and admire her.
Knowing your loving spirit and unending crusade to help people, I have dreamed of her chance to meet you, in turn meeting one of her greatest dreams. I wish Tsitsi whatever you would wish her. As for that dream of hers to teach…. she already has. Just in knowing her, I have learned a few of life’s lessons from her stamina, bravery, and her ability to sustain her bright, all-forgiving attitude and forever stellar smile. “T” is for Teach.
Sincerely with Love for “T” and Sympathy
 Lauren Sullivan 